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ARVN cadets help move a wounded cadet away from a hooch in a simulated Vietcong v...HD Stock Footage
ARVN cadets slide down a rope and cross a rope bridge over a river at a training ...HD Stock Footage
South Vietnamese instructors supervise cadets on the rife range at a military tra...HD Stock Footage
The last warriors Bie Dong Quan AN LOC 1972
A wounded Vietnamese soldier is transferred from Fire Support Base Lima to an ARV...HD Stock Footage
A training film with simulated combat shows RF forces in a Vietnamese village. HD Stock Footage
Vietnam War Music Video: Saigon May Offensive / Street Fighting Man - The Rolling Stones
ARVN Training at NCO Academy re Chemical Warfare - 250194-02 | Footage Farm Ltd
VNMC marines fire M-16 rifles and M-60 machine guns and capture enemy weapons du...HD Stock Footage
VIETNAM WAR in HD Motion ARVN & US Army vs VietCong & NVA 2 2
Thunder Road - Battle of Highway 13 - Chốt chặn đường 13 | An Loc '72
Phan15 TranAnLoc 1972